BSA Troop 21 - Adult Leader Training






Youth Protection Training

Youth Protection training is designed to help you keep our youth safe from abuse. You will learn the Boy Scouts of America's Youth Protection Guidelines, signs of abuse, and how to report suspected abuse. After each section of material, you will answer questions about that section's topic. This course must be completed to earn the "Trained" emblem. Completion is noted automatically in the BSA training records database if the module is experienced online. Estimated time to complete: 40 minutes.

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Guide to Leader Training

This new guide outlines the basic responsibilities for volunteer leader training committees and the methods of BSA volunteer training. To be sure that information is up-to-date, the guide does not include the forms and other resources that are more easily available, and more current, via The training pages of will help you find the current resources, forms, and courses available�as well as the latest in BSA training.

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What Makes a Trained Leader

Need to know what are the requirements to be fully trained? This sheet explains the training requirements for all top leaders.

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Troop Committee Challenge

Available both as an instructor-led course and online, this course focuses on the core beliefs, aims, and methods of Scouting. It specifically helps each committee member learn and identify his or her role and responsibilities in support of the unit in order to provide a quality troop experience for the Scouts. Estimated time to complete: 45 minutes.

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Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS)

Working as patrols, this hands-on course provides adult leaders the practical outdoor skills they need to lead Scouts in the out-of-doors. Upon completion, leaders should feel comfortable teaching Scouts the basic skills required to obtain the First Class rank. This course is required of all direct contact leaders registered in Boy Scout Troops and Varsity Scout Teams, in order to wear the Trained patch. Check with your District Training Committee for the next scheduled course.

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Safe Swim Defense

All swimming activities in Scouting are required to follow the eight basic principles known collectively as the Safe Swim Defense plan. A unit that follows the plan can expect a safe, enjoyable aquatic experience. Safe Swim Defense is required for BSA tour permits.



Safety Afloat

All boating activities in Scouting are required to follow the nine basic principles of Safety Afloat. With an emphasis on accident prevention through proper preparation and skills, a unit that follows Safety Afloat can expect a safe, enjoyable activity. Safety Afloat is required for BSA tour permits for any trip afloat.

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Youth Leadership Training Continuum

The Boy Scouts of America provides opportunities for youth to develop and improve their leadership skills in the unit, in the local council, and at national training centers. Click here to find out more about what leadership courses would be of the most benefit to you or your youth.

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Weather Hazards

Hazardous Weather training must be completed prior to requesting a tour permit from the BSA. The module presents safety precautions for eight different types of weather, as well as planning, preparation, and traditional weather signs. You will answer questions about the topics after each section. Completion is noted automatically in the BSA training records database if the module is experienced online. Estimated time to complete: 40 minutes.

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Climb On Safely

Climb On Safely covers eight key safety points about climbing and rappelling and is required training for at least one adult leader on any type of Scouting outing that involves climbing or rappelling. You will watch a brief video broken into three sections and answer questions after each section. Completion is noted automatically in the BSA training records database if the module is experienced online. Estimated time to complete: 30 minutes.

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Fast Start Orientation Training

Intended to be taken by pack, troop, team, and crew leaders, as well as ScoutParent unit coordinators, unit commissioners, and chartered organization representatives immediately following the acceptance of their new role; Fast Start is designed to help new leaders understand the fundamentals of their specific program and give insight into the various leadership roles of the people they will be working with. Leaders will learn their responsibilities and how to keep things organized, fun, and exciting, along with information about other resources available to help assist in them in their new position. This training is offered online or on a DVD. Estimated time to complete: 45 minutes.

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Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops (ILST)

The ILST course is intended to help Boy Scouts in leadership positions within their troops understand their responsiblities and to equip them with organizational and leadership skills to fulfill those responsibilities. ILST replaces Troop Leadership Training and is a prerequisite for Boy Scouts to participate in more advanced leadership courses (i.e., National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) and National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience (NAYLE)).

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Training Awards for Adult Leaders in Units

The training awards and keys are designed to recognize unit Scouters for tenure, training, and performance in their leadership roles. Progress record forms with the 2012 requirements for these awards can be found at the links below.

Training Awards




This Is Scouting

This Is Scouting provides an overview of the Scouting organization, including history, values, programs, Youth Protection, community involvement, and training. The module consists of six video sections, each followed by a brief quiz. Estimated time to complete: 50 minutes.

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This mentoring workshop will introduce participants to the two different styles of mentoring, as well as their benefits and when these models are appropriate. Using the mentoring framework, the participants will enter into a mentoring relationship using learned conversations to demonstrate mentoring in action.

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Kodiak Challenge

The Kodiak Challenge is designed to be an adventure that pushes the boundaries of every participant - one that will encourage you to try new things that may be out of your comfort zone. It is an experience�but one that has its underpinnings in the application of the leadership skills they learned in the Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops or Crews, NYLT, and/or NAYLE. It is, as is all of Scouting, an adventure with a purpose

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Powder Horn

Open to both registered adults and youth who are at least 13 and have completed the 8th grade, Powder Horn is a hands-on resource management course designed to give you the contacts and tools necessary to conduct an awesome high-adventure program in your troop, team, crew, or ship. Contact your council training chair for information about upcoming courses in your area.



Trek Safely

"Trek Safely" covers seven key safety points about trekking and is recommended for adult leaders organizing any type of trek. You will watch a brief video broken into two sections and answer questions after each section. Completion is noted automatically in the BSA training records database if the module is experienced online. Estimated time to complete: 20 minutes.

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Philmont Training Center

Since 1950 The Philmont Training Center (PTC) has provided a unique environment for training volunteer and professional leaders, and a fun family program for every member of the family.

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The Trainer's EDGE

The Trainer's EDGE replaces the Trainer Development Conference (BSA 500) as the required train-the-trainer course for Wood Badge and NYLT staffs. It is meant to supplement the practice offered through Wood Badge and NYLT staff development, with a focus on the participant, while raising the level of skill a trainer brings to the staff experience. Only practice can polish these skills, but this course is intended to "train the trainer" on behaviors and resources while offering hands-on experience in methods and media.

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Physical Wellness

Physical Wellness Training was developed to help prepare attendees for the 2010 National Scout Jamboree. It is appropriate for leadership in all program areas and for Boy Scout and Venturing youth. The module focuses on Mind, Body and Spirit. Learning objectives include the ability to define physical wellness; identify ways to improve the wellness of the mind, body, and spirit; describe the role self-responsibility plays in wellness; and answer questions about nutrition. Completion is noted automatically in the BSA training records database if the module is experienced online. Estimated time to complete: 40 minutes.

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Supplemental Training

Supplemental training modules are designed to provide Scouting leaders with orientation beyond the basic training offered in This Is Scouting and leader-specific training.

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Early Rank Requirements Video

Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class rank requirements video.

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Boy Scout Leader Assessment Tool

This tool is designed to help Boy Scout leaders assess their strengths and weaknesses in regard to the current Boy Scout leader training courses. Your results will be used to help the national Boy Scout organization and your local council to iprove their training courses and help identify the training needs of the general membership.

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The Fundamentals of Training

This is the first part of the three-part train-the-trainer continuum (T 3 , or T-Cubed) in the Boy Scouts of America. The course introduces teaching techniques and skills to new Scout trainers but is also designed to help all Scouters, regardless of their experience, present effective training. Intended for both youth and adult trainers, the course will help those who might have trained for other organizations learn the BSA's training techniques, and it will help freshen up the skills of current BSA trainers.

The Fundamentals of Training Syllabus
PowerPoint: Good, Bad, and Ugly



Troop 21, Frontier District, Pathway To The Rockies Council, Boy Scouts of America | Chartered by Holy Trinity Catholic Church, 3122 Poinsetta Drive | Colorado Springs, CO 80907 | Copyright © 2009- All Rights Reserved.